Monday, December 13, 2010

WSG's Holiday show continues

There's nothing like an Adrienne Kaplan painting to heat up a cold day outside! Her colors are spectacular! When you're driving down a Michigan road in winter, assuming you CAN drive down that road in winter, it seems like, sometimes, you're driving through a black and white photograph. Imagine arriving at your house, walking in the door and an Adrienne Kaplan painting greeting you inside, reminding you that you are, indeed, NOT living in a B&W photo - makes you catch your breath!

Well, the holiday show at WSG continues through January 2, 2011, and you can be the proud owner of an Adrienne Kaplan piece, or a Norma Penchansky piece, or a Nora Venturelli piece....or a Martha Keller piece......

You get the idea!

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